The origins...

H o w i t a l l b e g a n

Notre histoire les caveurs

It is sometimes difficult to determine the beginning of a story. Of course there is the moment when things become concrete, when they officially exist. In this case the beginning could be today, when we put the site online.

In reality the story starts long before, it has been in us for years, it’s just that this time we really decided to talk about it…

Notre histoire les caveurs

U n c a v e u r . . , i s t h e n a m e g i v e n t o t h e o n e w h o f i n d s t h e t r u f f l e s .  


We founded LES CAVEURS with the ideal of giving back to those who love truffles the taste of their terroir, far from artificial aromas. This is why we claim to be 100% truffles.

We started from the fact that at the beginning of the century, 100 times more truffles were produced in France than now. Our approach is humble, we want to learn, understand and share by going to meet French truffle growers and supporting their activities.

Sophie, Pierre et Christoph

Notre histoire les caveurs

The encounter

At the beginning, there are three epicurean and gastronomic neighbours, Parisians by adoption who have become friends.


The passion

There is also a passion for the product, fuelled by their backgrounds and lifestyles, with good restaurants in Paris, a common attachment to the Var region and a desire to embrace the whole of France.


The Pleasure

There is also a broader awareness of the pleasure of good products and the desire to share this pleasure. 


The truffière

Then came the taste for challenge and the appetite for novelty. Complementary professional backgrounds and the desire to innovate. So we went ahead and bought some trees

Notre histoire les caveurs

The birth of Les Caveurs

And finally, we open up to others with the priority of respecting and promoting the French truffle-growing regions and the taste for sharing.